Nottingham high school elizabeth wildman
Nottingham high school elizabeth wildman

Jonathan was awarded his MChem (Hons) in 2017 from the University of Manchester. He joined the group in 2017 and is investigating uranium-ligand multiple bonding. His final year project involved the synthesis of new low-valent gallium compounds in the group of Dr John Slattery. Joe was awarded an MChem in 2017 from the University of York. After graduating with a PhD in 2012 he has continued as a PDRA in the group investigating uranium-ligand multiple bonds. He joined the group in 2008 as a PhD student investigating lanthanide-carbene chemistry. His final year project was in the group of Dr Matthew Jones on heterogeneous catalysts for the ring opening polymerisation of lactide. Dr Ashley WoolesĪsh was awarded his MChem (Hons) in 2008 from Bath University. In 2018 she joined the Liddle group on a Leopoldina fellowship and is working on nitrogen activation. In 2017 she was awarded her PhD from the same university for work on boron based pincer complexes with iron under the supervision of Dr Robert Langer, this was followed by work in the same group on bonding analysis in transition metal complexes. Her final year project was on thallium containing chalcogenidometallates in the group of Prof. Lisa received her MSc in Chemistry in 2014 from Philipps-University Marburg, Germany. She then joined the group in June 2017 working on actinide-ligand multiple bonding. In 2017 she obtained her PhD working in the same group investigating the synthesis, reactivity and catalytic activity of low coordinate transition metal complexes bearing meta-terphenyl ligands. Her final year research project was with Dr Deborah Kays. Helen was awarded her MSci (Hons) in 2013 from the University of Nottingham. He is now a PDRA working on actinide carbene chemistry. In 2015, he joined the Liddle group as a PhD student working on f-block and rare-earth mesoionic carbene chemistry. His final year project was working on high energy density materials under the supervision of Dr Peter Portius. John was awarded his MChem (Hons) in 2014 from the University of Sheffield. He joined the group in 2012 initially on a Marie Curie IIF PDRA grant and is investigating actinide carbene chemistry. Yaofeng Chen at the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (Organometallic Division) and was awarded in 2011.

nottingham high school elizabeth wildman

His PhD on rare earth imido chemistry was supervised by Prof. Dr Erli LuĮrli was awarded his BSc in 2006 from Tianjin Polytechnic University. She joined the Liddle group in 2018 on a CSC grant and is working on uranium carbene chemistry.

nottingham high school elizabeth wildman

Laura Gagliardi’s group in University of Minnesota and as a PDRA in Prof. Zeng, and continued her research as a visiting scholar in Prof. In 2013, she graduated from Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry with a PhD under the supervision of Prof. Yu Jiang-Guo on theoretical investigations of silicon monoxide nanoparticles. Shu-Xian received her BSc in 2006 and MChem in 2009 from Beijing Normal University, working with Prof. He joined the group in 2017 as a postdoctoral fellow and his current research interests lie in the explorative chemistry of transuranic elements. Roberto Caciuffo (Actinide Research, ITU) and Prof. Michal completed his PhD in 2016 at the European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC) for Nuclear Safety and Security, Advanced Nuclear Knowledge in Karlsruhe, Germany, under the joint supervision of Prof. He joined the Liddle group in 2016 and is currently investigating small molecule activation. Ashley, and continued this research as a PDRA. In 2015, he graduated from Imperial College London with a PhD in iron-mediated dinitrogen fixation under the supervision of Dr Andrew E. Jose Goicoechea on transition metal complexes with reduced hetero-aromatic ligands.

nottingham high school elizabeth wildman

Laurence received his MChem from the University of Oxford in 2011, working with Prof. He joined the group as a PhD student in 2014 working on uranyl chemistry and is now a PDRA working on actinide-ligand multiple bonds. His final year honours project was with Dr Jonathan McMaster on organosulfur chemistry. Philip was awarded his MSci (Hons) in 2014 from Nottingham University. Not pictured: Michal Dutkiewicz (away at ITU), Georgina Hatton (writing-up), Shu-Xian Hu (visting academic), Rosie Magnall, Jospeh Ostrowski (writing-up).Ĭurrent Group Members Postdoctoral Research Fellows Philip Cobb Left to right: Leah Webster, Sophie Dewick, Philip Cobb, Ashley Wooles, Lisa Vondung, Erli Lu, Richard Turnbull, John Seed, Robert Jones, Steve Liddle, Laurence Doyle, Jonathan Cryer, Benjamin Reant, Lewis Thomas-Hargreaves, Jingzhen Du, Josef Boronski, Helen Sharpe, and Aqsa Aziz.

Nottingham high school elizabeth wildman